The thing is, to a jw, trying to get them to convert for 50 years or whatever is only going to reinforce their persecution complex.
Julia Orwell
JoinedPosts by Julia Orwell
Father denies children inheritance unless they quit Jehovah's Witnesses
by Tiktaalik inan article in the sydney morning herald:.
"from beyond the grave, father-of-four patrick carroll continued a five-decade crusade to steer his children away from being active jehovah's witnesses and into catholicism.. mr carroll wrote into his will that his adult children were not to receive any inheritance unless they met two conditions: attend his funeral and become catholics within three months of his death.. mr carroll died in april 2012. his children attended the funeral but they did not become catholics and challenged the condition in the nsw supreme court in a bid to still receive their share of his estate.. but justice francois kunc last week ruled that mr carroll was entitled to place such conditions on his will.. the court heard that mr carroll's motivation was not so much about imposing his own beliefs but rather the fact he never approved of his children becoming jehovah's witness.. the court heard that mr carroll did not raise his children as catholics, neither he or they had attended church services when they were young and he did not enroll them in catholic schools.. but when he split from their mother lillian in 1959 she became a jehovah's witness and over the next decade the couple's four children, robyn, paulene, anthony and susan, were baptised as jehovah's witnesses.. mr carroll never approved of "their adherence to that faith", the court heard.. "[lillian's] conversion to that faith enraged mr carroll, who for the rest of his life continued to express his very strong objections to lillian's and the children's member of that faith," justice kunc said in his judgement.. the court was told that all four of his children remain active members of their congregation.. in his will, written in december 2011, four months before he died, mr carroll left more than a third of his estate to his four children "dependent upon them becoming baptised into the catholic church within a period of three months from the date of my death and such gifts are also subject to and dependent my children attending my funeral.".
Women Please give us men a little credit, we are not so dumb.
by jam inthe wife and i had a argument of all things, the correct way.
to peel an egg.. i'm making tuna salad and she comes up.
and looking over my shoulder, "you know that's not the correct.
Julia Orwell
If you think that's harsh or nit picky you should meet my father. He knows the best way to do everything that can ever be done.
Women Please give us men a little credit, we are not so dumb.
by jam inthe wife and i had a argument of all things, the correct way.
to peel an egg.. i'm making tuna salad and she comes up.
and looking over my shoulder, "you know that's not the correct.
Julia Orwell
If ye
Is there any good (im serious) in this religion JW
by dugout ini know this has been talked about in the past but im new here..
Julia Orwell
It gave some people to quit destructive habits like drugs and smoking. I think many people who "find god" are benefited this way. My husband gave those things up to be a jw and now he's out the clean habits have stuck.
Why are there NO articles about JW near death experiences and death bed visions?
by freeatlast36 inmy dad died recently and was a long time jw.
we have had some interesting experiences with his passing and have been researching for other jw stories and there are none.
anyone know why?
Julia Orwell
I've had an nde but there were no people in it. I believed in jw religion at the time, but I was ok to tell others about it because it didn't involve a glimpse of an afterlife. If it did, I may never have continued my study with jws. Damn.
Could it be that Jehovah is punishing me for leaving his religion?
by Julia Orwell ini know it's a completely absurd thing to say, but something happened to me today that triggered the old cult reaction.
my mind instantly lapsed back into that of a jw and for a split second i thought that because i wasn't doing jehovah things that jehovah's blessing had been removed from me and this is why my life seems to be running into so many dead-ends.
as a jw i attributed anything good happening to me to being the result of my being a good jw and dutifully doing everything the borg teaches.
Julia Orwell
Also my cat was very sick and spent five days in cat hospital. She pulled through and although she's a bit haggard she's here with me now having a huge purr. If she had have died I would have really lost it yesterday when movie world sacked me. But she's here and I'm so relieved.
Could it be that Jehovah is punishing me for leaving his religion?
by Julia Orwell ini know it's a completely absurd thing to say, but something happened to me today that triggered the old cult reaction.
my mind instantly lapsed back into that of a jw and for a split second i thought that because i wasn't doing jehovah things that jehovah's blessing had been removed from me and this is why my life seems to be running into so many dead-ends.
as a jw i attributed anything good happening to me to being the result of my being a good jw and dutifully doing everything the borg teaches.
Julia Orwell
Hey all, thanks for understanding and supporting. I'm much better today as I did some work in a local school and then went to a job interview. I know the Jehovah thing is a load of hooey but losing my job triggered that old primal fear of the unknown and unpredictable that cults play on
So once again I fall back on my teaching degree, the degree I was naughty to get as a jw!
Ok, the reason they instantly terminated me from Movie World: I picked up some glasses that had fallen on the track of the slowest moving ride after I had moved the cars along. That's it. I think they just wanted to get rid of me. I've since heard that they fire people all the time for stupid stuff. Well screw them. It was like being in a police state anyway. Everything you did was jealously scrutinized and reported. It was actually starting to get to me. I might wait til the big year 12 tests are over end of September and then seriously start working on a long term career.
Could it be that Jehovah is punishing me for leaving his religion?
by Julia Orwell ini know it's a completely absurd thing to say, but something happened to me today that triggered the old cult reaction.
my mind instantly lapsed back into that of a jw and for a split second i thought that because i wasn't doing jehovah things that jehovah's blessing had been removed from me and this is why my life seems to be running into so many dead-ends.
as a jw i attributed anything good happening to me to being the result of my being a good jw and dutifully doing everything the borg teaches.
Julia Orwell
Yep it will. But I have enough work lined up next month to pay the bills plus an interview tomorrow. I haven't been idle. When I left JWs I realised that all the good things I got were because I went out and got them. Or got them because I have a great family. My dad is taking me out to drink and gamble to forget my probs- all paid for by him of course. So I'm feeling a bit less desolate about my situation.
JWs at the Edinburgh Festival
by passwordprotected inmy girlfriend and i took the train through to edinburgh to soak in the atmosphere and catch a few free comedy shows at the fringe festival.. almost immediately i spotted them; witnesses.. how did i know it was them?.
well, the middle-aged, tall man wearing the suit, shirt and tie was a big clue.
that and the fact that he was holding the hand of a similarly tall, middle-aged woman, dressed in the jw uniform of long skirt, blouse and light summer jacket.
Julia Orwell
Think about when you were a JW. Could you ever get excited about handing out tracts? I know I never could.
Could it be that Jehovah is punishing me for leaving his religion?
by Julia Orwell ini know it's a completely absurd thing to say, but something happened to me today that triggered the old cult reaction.
my mind instantly lapsed back into that of a jw and for a split second i thought that because i wasn't doing jehovah things that jehovah's blessing had been removed from me and this is why my life seems to be running into so many dead-ends.
as a jw i attributed anything good happening to me to being the result of my being a good jw and dutifully doing everything the borg teaches.
Julia Orwell
I h ave a degree and two trade certificates. It's just not enough anymore so it's probably time I studied something else. Problem is, I have a mortgage to pay!
But thanks for your kind words, peeps, especially about NEVER being in your prayers! That makes me feel good for some reason. I've got an interview lined up already so things won't be that bad.